This is a fun and easy recipe to make.
Basically you are going to slice all the tomato's in half
and remove the seeds. This can be done easily by scraping
the seeds out with a spoon. Once the seeds are removed slice
and chop the tomato's into small chunks and place them in a
large mixing bowl.
Slice and coarsely chop 1 1/2 red onions. Place the onions
in the bowl with the tomato's.
Next cut the Jalapeno's in half and remove the seeds.
Coarsely chop the Jalapeno's and add them to the bowl.
Finely chop 2 cloves of garlic and add them to the bowl.
Chop the Cilantro and add it to the bowl.
Slice the Lime in 1/2 and squeeze the juice of the lime over
the ingredients in the bowl. If you like just a hint of lime
, use only 1/2 the lime.
Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly and then spoon the
Pico De Gallo into shallow storage containers. Place these
containers into your cooker. You will not be running your
cooker. Instead use a cold smoke generator with Apple wood
saawdust or pellets.
Cold smoke generators
come in a variety of styles and costs. The unit I am using
in this video is the A-MAZE-N-SMOKER. Cost is approximately
$35 and it can be purchased from A-MAZE-N Products LLC
Web Site.
Preparation doesn't get any easier!
Cold smoke the Pico De Gallo for 6 hours stirring the
contents once per hour. Once the 6 hours is up place the
Peco De Gallo in a Gallon Ziploc bag. Squeeze out the air
and Zip it shut. Place the bag in the refrigerator and let
it sit at least 24 hours.
This is some tasty Pico De Gallo!
Cold smoking tip!
Try cold smoking at night when the air temperature
is lower. This will produce moister product. This can
make a big difference for those living in warmer climates.