When I created this
burger it was for the Blue
Cheese and Mushroom lovers who
love a kick to their burgers.
This is a full flavored juicy
burger that smells wonderful and
tastes like a high end gourmet
Lets start with the egg
mix. In a medium mixing bowl
combine the following.
3 Large Eggs 4 Tbsp
Reduced Sodium Worcestershire
1 1/4 Tbsp Finely Chopped
Rosemary 1 Tsp Black Pepper
3 Tbsp Mad Hunky Hot Ass Whang
Once all
the ingredients are in the bowl,
thoroughly mix the ingredients.
Set the bowl aside.
Next we will mix the
ground beef. Place 5 lbs. 80/20
ground beef into a large mixing
bowl. Using your fingers poke
multiple holes in the ground
beef. Pour the egg mix over the
ground beef. Next add the
10 oz. Crumbled Blue
Cheese 2 oz. Baby Bella Mushrooms
(Chopped) 1/2 Cup Onion Tops
(Chives) 3 Slices Sweet Onion
3 Cloves Garlic Chopped Egg
mix Below
Once all the ingredients have
been added it's time to mix. Put
on some food grade gloves and
work the ingredients into the
ground beef. Mix thoroughly.
Once the ground beef has been
mixed, start forming your
patties. Each patty will get a
liberal coating of Mad Hunky Hot
Ass Whang on both sides of the
patty. Once the patties are
formed, cover them and place
them in the fridge to rest 1
hour minimum. This allows the
rub and other ingredients to
meld with the ground beef.
This is a great time to pre-heat
your grill or cooker. These
burgers can be grilled or slow
cooked at 225-250 degrees on a
smoker/Grill. In this cook I'm
cooking the burgers on the
Scottsdale Santa Maria style
cooker by Arizona BBQ
Outfitters. I used the Argentine
grates and cooked over a Oak
wood fire.
Once your cooker is at temp and
the meat rested for at least one
hour, it's time to put the meat
on the grates. Cook the burgers
5-6 minutes per side until the
internal temp reaches 150
degrees. Once you have flipped
the burgers the first time lay a
piece of Swiss cheese on top of
each patty.
Once the patties reach a
internal temp of 150 degrees,
remove them from the cooker. Let
the burgers rest 10 minutes then
build your burgers using the
condiments of your choice. I
used two patties, onion buns,
mayo, Wickles relish, BBQ sauce,
leaf lettuce, sweet onion and
bread & Butter pickles.
This recipe will make 8 large
patties. Serve and enjoy folks!
