You may have noticed I didn't
provide any measurements for the
ingredients. That's because we
are not really mixing anything.
All the ingredients are applied
as external seasoning and
applied to taste with the
exception of the marinade and
Clean and rinse the chicken
breasts. Using a sterile
injection needle, pierce the
breasts on roughly 6 locations
at an angle and inject Diet
Cherry Dr. Pepper. As you inject
you will fell pressure. Slowly
withdraw the syringe while
injecting so you inject evenly
thru ought the meat.
Once injected, place the chicken
breasts in a 1 gallon Ziploc bag
and fill half way up with Diet
Cherry Dr. Pepper. This will be
the marinade. Soak the chicken
for 2 hours in the refrigerator.
After the chicken has soaked
remove it from the bag but don't
rinse it off. Lay it on a cookie
sheet and apply the Jack's Old
South Hickory dry rub. Give it a
good dusting. Lightly dust it
with garlic powder. Apply a nice
dusting of brown sugar and rub
it all into the chicken breasts.
Make sure to coat top and
Once you have seasoned the
chicken put it on the smoker @
230 degrees. Traeger owners,
start on smoke or 180 degrees
for 1 hour the go to 230
degrees. This will get more
smoke into the chicken. Mist the
every 40 minutes with Cherry Dr.
Pepper to help keep the exterior
moist as possible.
When the internal temperature of
the chicken breasts reaches 173
degrees, pull the chicken from
the smoker. Let stand 20 minutes
covered with foil and serve.
As always this would go great
with smoked beans and cornbread
with honey baked in.