For those of you who love for
tender juicy chicken, this
recipe will do it for you! Start out by rinsing
2 to 4 whole
chickens. Cut off all excessive
skin or fatty tissue and pat
drying them with paper towels.
Mix the following in a bowl:
1 Stick butter
1/4 Cup apple juice
2 Tsp brown sugar
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
This will make enough
flavor for
injecting. Using a flavor injector insert
the needle into the end of the
drum sticks & wings and push it in to the
opposite end. Be careful not to
breach the skin. Slowly inject
the garlic butter sauce until you
feel pressure pushing back.
Slowly inject as you slowly pull
the injection needle out. This
method allows for even
distribution of the flavor your
injecting. To much pressure and
the sauce will squirt at you as
you withdraw the needle. Now
inject the breasts using the
same method but inject in many
locations around the breasts.
Once done you can rub the excess
garlic butter over the outer
surface of the chickens to help
the rub stick.
Now that the chickens are
injected with flavor, start
applying a dusting of garlic
powder followed by the Jack's Old South
hickory dry rub. Season to taste. Make
sure you apply to both sides of
the birds. Next sprinkle on some
brown sugar and rub it in. This
will provide for a wonderful
flavor to the skins.
Once seasoned place them on
the grate of your smoker, close
the lid and smoke @ 230 degrees.
That's right, low and slow until
the internal temperature of the
breasts reach 175 degrees. Mist
the chickens with apple juice
once after they have been on the
smoker for 45 minutes.
If you want a darker more
crisp skin turn up the smoker
temperature to about 375 once
the chickens reach 160 degrees.
When the Chicken reaches an
internal temperature of 175 degrees, remove them
from the smoker and let them
cool a bit to help redistribute
the juices and finish cooking.
Look at that color in the
picture to your right. It
doesn't get any better. Carve up
those birds, serve and enjoy!