smoke usually takes
approximately 3.5 to 3.7 hours
to cook.
by rinsing 5 lbs. of chicken
party wings. These are the wings
that have already been divided.
They can be found in the meat
department at your local grocer.
After rinsing, pat dry with
paper towels.
Place 1/2 the wings in a
large bowl. Mix together 1/2 cup
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 5
cloves chopped garlic and 1 ybsp
Cayenne pepper. The Cayenne is
for added heat so if you are not
fan of spicy hot wings leave the
cayenne pepper out. Mix
thoroughly then pour 1/2 of the
oil over the wings and stir them
until they are all coated
Sprinkle on some Mad Hunky
"Hot Whang" Chicken Rub. How much you put
on will determine the heat
level. Place the wings on a
greased smoking rack and coat
with Mad Hunky Hot Whang Rub.
Flip the wing parts and season
them just as you did the last
Let the party
wings sit for about 20 minutes
in the fridge.
Next place them in a pre-heated
smoker @ 245 degrees.
In a misting bottle mix 50/50
water and cider vinegar. Smoke
the wings for about 1.5 hours
then mist them with cider &
vinegar solution and flip them over.
Shake on some more Mad Hunky Hot
Whang Rub and mist.
Continue misting the wings
every 1/2 hour or so until the
internal temperature reaches 170
degrees. This recipe is very
easy to prepare and the results
are amazing.
This recipe was smoked on A
Yoder YS640 Pellet fired smoker
using hickory & cherry pellets
mixed 50/50.