You are in for e real treat
if your cooking this recipe! The
flavors are simply amazing.
This will be a two part cook.
The first segment will be
preparing the marinade and then
allowing the beef to marinate
over night.
Start by combining the
following in a medium bowl.
1 Cup Honey 1 Cup Low
Sodium Soy Sauce 3/4 Cup
Sesame Seed Oil 1 Tsp. minced
Garlic Pepper to Taste
Sesame Seeds to Taste
Mix these ingredients
thoroughly so the honey fully
dissolves. Next trim off all
excess fat off the Tri Tip. Next
we will slice the Tri Tip.
Take note of the direction of
the muscle tissue. You will
notice that at one point it
changes direction. This is where
you should cut the Tri Tip in
half. Once cut in half you need
to slice the Tri Tip into 1/2"
to 3/4" thick slices across the
grain. Make sure you cut across
the grain of the meat (muscle
Tissue). Once the meat is sliced
its time to tenderize the meat.
Using a Jaccard 48 blade type
tenderizer press down multiple
times to pierce each piece of
meat. If you don't have this
type of tenderizer then use a
tenderizing mallet or the back
of a clever.
Pour the marinade into a one
gallon Ziploc bag. Place each
piece of beef into the one gallon
Ziploc bag. Once all the beef is
in the Ziploc bag squeeze out
the excess air and seal.
Place the beef in the fridge to
rest over night. Since we are
using reduced sodium soy sauce
you won't have to worry about
the meat becoming to salty. Mine
marinated for 16 hours and was
The following day build your
fire in your cooker. We are
looking for grate temps and Wok
temp of 500 degrees.
Drain the marinade from the
beef into a sauce pan. Bring the
marinade to a simmer over medium
heat to kill off any bacteria
from the meat. You can use this
marinade to baste the beef later on
if you wish.
Once your cooker is heated
and you have 500 degrees at the
grate we are ready to cook.
Throw on the sliced beef. In
this cook I'm cooking on a
Scottsdale Santa Maria Style
cooker over an Oak wood fire.
The Tri Tip will not take
long to cook. I had the heat hot
enough at grate level so I could
not hold my hand over the grate
longer then about 2.5 seconds. I
cooked the Tri Tip approx. 2-2.5
minutes per side. Keep an eye on the beef. We
want to braise each side and get
nice grill marks. Turn the beef
when ready and baste with the
marinade if you wish. This will
guarantee tender and moist beef.
Right about now the air around you should be
smelling pretty damn fine! I
removed the meat when the
internal temp reached 140
degrees. You will notice I
placed my Tri Tip on a bed of
leave lettuce and garnished it
with sesame seeds and chives.
That's it folks. It's a quick
and tasty cook that is sure to
please. Enjoy.
Temperature Chart
Doneness |
Internal Temperature |
Well Done |
140 Degrees
145 Degrees
150 Degrees
155 Degrees
160+ Degrees |