This is a
new recipe that came to me the
night before and one I will keep
in my barbeque recipe arsenal
for good. The end result was an
amazing group of flavors. I had
a hard time coming up with a
name for this so I winged it.
Lets start
by rinsing and cleaning the
chicken breast. Using a small
sharp knife cut a ½ inch opening
in the large end of the chicken
breast. Working the knife in a
sawing motion cut a pocket in
the inside of the chicken
breast. Be careful not to breach
the outer layer of meat. Remove
the end of the Jalapeno peppers
cut them in half and remove the
seeds. Fill ½ of each pepper
with cream cheese. Fill the
remaining half with the maple
sausage. Using your fingers
press about 1 Tbsp of shredded
cheddar into the opening and
distribute it evenly within. Now
insert the pepper into the
breast. Insert shallots into
each chicken breast. Pinch close
the opening as best possible.
Dust the chicken breast with
Jacks Old South dry rub, top
sides and bottom.
Place on
smoker grate and smoke @ 230
degrees turning once after 1
hour. When you turn the chicken
mist it with a spray bottle of
apple juice. Mix ½ cup hot
apple juice and ¼ cup honey.
This will be your honey glaze.
When the internal temperature of
the largest breast reaches 140
degrees, mop the entire area of
each chicken breast every 30
minutes until chicken reaches
173 degrees. Pull chicken and
let stand to cool a bit. Serve
with smoked bell peppers, beans
and cornbread.
