This is a real treat for wing
lovers! Start out by rinsing the
chicken wings and pat drying
them with paper towels. Arrange
the chicken wings in three rows
on a cookie sheet so they are
easy to pick up and deal with.
Mix the following in a bowl:
1/2 Cup Yoshida's
1/2 Cup Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper
1 Tbsp Kikkomin Teriyaki sauce
1 Tsp Ginger
This will make enough
Teriyaki flavor for
injecting. Using a flavor injector insert
the needle into the end of the
wing and push it in to the
opposite end. Be careful not to
breach the skin. Slowly inject
the Teriyaki sauce until you
feel pressure pushing back.
Slowly inject as you slowly pull
the injection needle out. This
method allows for even
distribution of the flavor your
injecting. To much pressure and
the sauce will squirt at you as
you withdraw the needle. Once
done you can shower off the
wings in the sink to remove any
excess sauce.
Now that the wings are
injected with flavor, start
applying the Jack's Old South
dry rub. Season to taste. Make
sure you apply to both sides of
the wings.
Once seasoned place them on
the grate of your smoker, close
the lid and smoke @ 230 degrees.
That's right, low and slow until
the wings reach an internal
temperature of 150 degrees.
In a small bowl mix 1/2 cup
hot apple juice and 1/4 cup
honey. Mix this up good. Now its
time to start mopping the wings
with the Honey glaze sauce every
30 minutes or so. This will
allow for a thin but sticky
honey glaze to build up on the
outside of the wings. After the
first mopping you can sprinkle
on some sesame seeds. I opted
the last minute not to. They
just looked to perfect as they
were. This is
also a good time to put on a pan
of beans to go along with your
wings. I always like to add a
Tbsp of brown sugar and some
bacon to my beans. Stir the
beans the same time you mop the
wings. In fact recently I tried
pineapple chunks as in addition
to the bacon and brown sugar. it
was a big hot with my family.
When the wings reach the
180 degrees temperature, remove them
from the smoker and let them
cool a bit.
Serve and enjoy!