Here's the deal... This recipe is extremely simple. Easy
to make but packs some great flavor. Not every recipe and
cook needs to be complex right?
Let's get on with it. Take 10 to 12 boneless, skinless
chicken breasts and trim them up proper. Divide them up into
two piles then load them into two 1 gallon Ziploc bags. Pour
in just shy of 1/4 gallon orange juice. You will need about
3/4 cups for mopping. Marinate in the refrigerator for at
least 8 hours. Marinating longer will provide for a more
robust citrus flavor.
After the chicken has had ample time to marinate, fire up
your cooker and pre-heat to 230 - 250 degrees. Drain the OJ
from the chicken. Do not rinse as you want to keep as much
citrus flavor on the meat as possible.
Once your cooker is up to temp throw on the chicken. I
used orange wood for this cook and the flavor was amazing.
Cook until the internal temperature reaches 168 degrees.
Make sure to mop with some orange juice a couple times
during the cook to keep the meat moist.
Once the chicken reaches 140 degrees you don't have to
keep adding flavored wood. Just add lump charcoal. When the
chicken reaches 168 degrees it's time to remove it and let
it rest a bit. It should be smelling wonderful about now.
Stick burners are a double edged sword. They can lay down
some magnificent smoke if you maintain an efficient fire. If
you don't, they can make your food taste bitter. Less fuel,
more air and a hotter more efficient fire is the key to a
nice thin blue smoke.
You can kick this recipe up a notch by adding some
Cayenne pepper for some heat.
Enjoy and remember... Smoke it and they will come!