The ultimate in seafood
kabobs and simple to cook!
We will start by placing
wooden skewers in water to soak.
This will keep them from burning
up too bad on the grill.
Next we will make the Mango
Thai Chili sauce. Peel and slice
2 ripe Mangos. Cut them into
cubes and place them in a food
processor or blender and puree
Pour the Pureed Mangos into a
medium sauce pan. Add the
following ingredients.
2 Ripe Mangos 1/4
Cup Thai Chili Paste 1/4 Cup
Honey 1/4 Cup Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Low Sodium Soy Sauce 1/2 Tsp
Mix the
ingredients thoroughly. Place
the pan on your stove over
medium heat. Bring to a simmer
then reduce heat to medium low
and simmer for 15 minutes. Make
sure to frequently stir so you
don't burn the sauce. Once the
sauce has simmered for 15
minutes remove it from the heat,
cover and let it cool.
Next you will blanch the
Lobster tails. Blanching is a
technique where the lobster
boils for a short time them gets
transferred to ice cold water to
Fill a medium sauce pan with
hot water about 3/4 full. Fill a
medium mixing bowl with
water and ice to make a ice
water bath. Add 1/2 tablespoon
Mad Hunky Hot Ass Whang rub or
Creole Seasoning to the pot on
the stove top. Add 1 tsp minced
garlic. Bring to a boil. This
will make a Cajun lobster boil.
While the water is heating, cut
the back of the lobster shells
using poultry sheers. This will
allow the flavors to penetrate.
Once the water is at a heavy
boil add the three lobster
tails. Leave the lobster in the
pot no longer them one minute.
Remove the lobster and place it
into the bowl of ice water to
Once the lobster has cooled
carefully remove each lobster
tail from the shell. Rinse each
tail under water to remove any
shell fragments. Using a sharp
knife slice each lobster into
Now its time to build the
Kabobs. Start with a shrimp,
then a piece of lobster followed
by a shrimp. Repeat this order.
This will produce one kabob.
Build the remaining kabobs using
the same technique.
Once the kabobs are built,
mop them on both sides with the
Mango Thai Chili sauce. Give
them a heavy coat. When I do
this I place them in a rectangle
glass baking dish. Once they are
coated let them rest in the
fridge for 20 minutes. This
gives you time to get your
cooker preheated. We will be
grilling these so make sure your
charcoal or wood is burnt down
to coals or ashed over.
Lightly pepper the kabobs
prior to placing on the grill.
You want your grill hot enough
so you can't hold your hand over
the grate longer then three
seconds. Oil your grates and
place the kabobs on to the
grates. Cook until the meat
firms up. Start with 1 minute 20
seconds per side. It will not
take long. You do not want to
over cook the shrimp and
lobster. When you turn the
kabobs mop them with the Mango
Thai Chili Sauce.
Once the shrimp and lobster
is cooked remove from the heat.
They can now be eaten from the
skewers or pulled off the
skewers and placed on plates
with some side items of your
choosing. Either way, garnish
the meat with some chopped
The flavor will have s sweet
fruity yet spicy flavor that
will give your seafood a nice
kick. Enjoy!