Just look at the last licture
on the right! That says it all. This will be a
quick and easy cook full in
This recipe will require at
minimum 8 hours of brining time
so you will have to start early
or the night pefore. I highly
recomend the night before and
allowing 12 to 14 hours of brine
Start by combining the
following in a small bowl.
4 Cups
Orange Juice 6 Tbsp Reduced
Sodium Soy Sauce 2 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Finely Chopped Rosemary
1 Tbsp Chopped Garlic 1
Tsp Paprika 1 Tsp Oregano
1 Tsp Ginger Pepper to Taste
Mix these ingredients
thoroughly so the honey fully
dissolves. Next using a pair of
pultry sheers, cut the backbone
out of the chcikens. Lay the
chicken back down and using the
palm of your hand press down on
the breast flattening the
chicken out. Using the poultry
sheers cut the chicken in two
down the center of the breast
bone. Cut off any excess fatty
skin. Rinse the chicken
thoroughly to wash away any bone
Place both halves of each
chicken into a 1 gallon Ziploc
bag. Pour in 1/2 the marinade.
Buro out any excess air and seal
the Ziploc bag. This will allow
for good marinade penetration.
Repeats these steps for the
remaining chicken. Place the
chicken in the fridge and
marinate a minimum of 8 hours, I
recommend 12 to 14 hours.
Once the chicken has
marinated, drain off the
marinade. Place the chicken on a
cookie sheet and pat the skin
dry with paper towels. Rub the
skin of teh chicken with extra
virgin olive oil. This will
allow for the skin to brown up
nicely in the cooker. Shake on
some kosher salt and black
pepper. Sprinkle on some fresh
chopped rosemary. That's it teh
chicken is ready for the cooker.
Pre-heat your cooker to
300-350 degrees. In this video
I'm cooking on the Scottsdale by
Arizona BBQ Outfitters. I cooked
this recipe over oak lump
charcoal and a oak hardwood
Once the cooker is heated,
place the chicken rib side down
on oiled grates. Cook with the
lid down until the internal temp
of the chicken reaches 169
degrees. The safe zone on
chciken is a minimum of 165
degrees internal temp.
Once the chicken has reached
temp you can start the garlic
potatoes while the chicken
rests. In this cook I'm cooking
on a Lodge cast iron skillet
heated to 375 degrees. Once the
skillet is at temp, pour in 3
tbsp of cannola or peanut oil.
Once the oil has heated add 8-10
cubed red potatoes. Cook the
potatoes for about 5 minutes
then add a thick slice of red
onion that has been cut up into
1/2" wide pieces. Add 1 tbsp
garlic, 1 tsp red pepper flake
and pepper to tatse. Cook
another 2 minutes then add a
sliced up stock of green onion.
Continue cooking untill the
potatoes are to your liking. I
like mine crispy on the edges.
Once the potatoes are done
remove them from the heat and
place them into a serving bowl.
You may now take the potatoes
and chicken into the
kitchen to preparee your plates.
The chicken should have a nice
crispy skin with good color. The
meat should be fully cooked and
very juicy. The flavor should
have a slight hint of orange.
The flavor will not be an "in
your face" orange flavor. Taht
is not what I was going for.
Plate it up by placing a 1/2
chicken on each plate with some
Garlic Red potatoes. Garnish
with green onion and serve.
That's it folks. It's a quick
and tasty cook resulting in
chciken with perfect skin, color
and texture. Enjoy!