First thing is pre-heating the smoker. When using the pellet
smokers I like to smoke the 1st hour @ 170 - 180 degrees. At
the lower temps the pellets burn cooler and produce more
smoke. This will put more smoke into the meat.
That said, in this case I'm cooking on my Yoder
Wichita stick burner. I will build an efficient fire with 1
1/2 chimney of lump and 2 sticks of peach wood. I like to
slowly bring the pit up to 230 degrees.
We will be using a modified version of the 3-2-1 method
slightly modified. We
will smoke for 2.5 hours un-foiled, 1.5 hours foiled with
my bourbon sauce then we will smoke for 1-1.5 hours un-foiled and
sauce the ribs at the end.
Using a butter knife and paper towel. Remove the membrane on
the back of the ribs. this is very important. Paper towel
allows you to grip the membrane for removal.
Mix 1/2 cup yellow mustard with 2 tbsp honey.
Coat ribs front and back with this honey mustard mix. Shake on a
light amount of garlic powder. Apply generous amounts of
John Henry's Bourbon Rub. Don't over do it. Sprinkle
on a liberal amount of brown sugar. Don't be shy with the brown sugar.
Rub it in real good.
Smoke ribs for 2.5 hours @ 230 - 235 degrees. Mist ribs with
Cherry Dr. Pepper once after 1.5 hours.
After 2.5 hours, remove ribs and place on thick foil. in a
cup mix 1/2 cup cherry Dr. Pepper and 2 shots of Jim Beam
Red Stag Bourbon.
Pour entire bourbon mix over ribs meat
side down. Wrap foil around ribs
tightly. Perform the foiling steps to each rack of ribs and place
them back into smoker meat side down.
Cook another 1.5 hours then remove the ribs from the tin
foil and place them back in the smoker meat side up. At this
point the ribs will be infused with the bourbon sauce.
Smoke @ 230 - 235 degrees for another 1 - 1.5 hours.
Keep an eye on them. Using tongues grab the ribs from one
end and grabbing in towards the middle. As you lift the ribs
they should bend and the neat should appear to tear but
should not fall off the bone. You should be able to slight
twist a bone without the bone twisting loose.
This is a great time
to throw some beans in a pie tin and place in the smoker.
Stir them every 15 minutes. Don't forget the cornbread!