Preparation: This
method of slow cooking ribs is said to be used by Johnny
Trigg one of the stars on the BBQ Pitmasters series. I
have watched recordings of the shows and feel this is pretty
darn close with the exception of the rub and BBQ finishing
sauce. These two components no one seems to know about.
We are going to be using the 3-2-1 method. That's 3 hours
on the smoker naked, 2 hours foiled then 1 hour naked. In my
humble opinion this method produces the highest quality in
ribs when it's all said and done. What is different is we
will start off with just rub on the ribs the first 3 hours.
Then we add other ingredients at the time of foiling.
So lets get to cooking!
ribs thoroughly. Using a butter knife and paper towel. Remove the membrane on
the back of the ribs. this is very important. Paper towel
allows you to grip the membrane for removal.
Trim excess fat from the front and back of ribs.
Lightly coat the ribs with Garlic powder. Apply generous amounts of
Bad Byron's Butt Rub. Available at a good price @
All Things BBQ. This is
a great tasting dry rub and one of my favorites. Wrap ribs in
plastic and refrigerate for at least one hours.
Preheat smoker to 225-230 degrees. Place ribs onto your
smoker grate.
Smoke ribs for 3 hours. Mist ribs with apple juice hourly.
After 3 hours, remove ribs from the smoker.
Lay down some foil. Squeeze on about 3 to 4 Tbsp
Margarine. Use Margarine and not butter as Margarine won't
burn like butter will. Sprinkle a generous amount of brown
sugar over the margarine. Squeeze on the Honey making about
5 lines or passes. Now pour on about 1/5 the bottle of Tiger
sauce which is about .75 oz. The bottles come in 5 oz.
Using your fingers mix it up a bit. Then lay a rack of
ribs face down. Repeat the above process to the back of the
ribs. Once this is done wrap the foil tightly around the
rack of ribs. Repeat these steps for the second rack of
ribs. Place the foiled ribs back on your smoker and cook
approximately 2 more hours. As the contents in the foil cook
over time, it will create an awesome glaze on the ribs that
tastes amazing.
After 2 hours, remove the ribs from the tin
foil and place them back in the smoker. I like to mop on my
favorite sauce at this point. Mop them front and back. This is a great time
to throw some beans in a pie tin and place in the smoker.
Stir them every 15 minutes. Cook ribs for another 30 minutes
to 1 hour until done. A good indicator for doneness is if
the meat starts to tear when you bend the rack of ribs
slightly as you pick them up.
These ribs go great with my Cherry Dr. pepper BBQ sauce.
Mix 1 cup Sweet Baby rays, 1 cup Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper,
1 Tbsp brown sugar and 2 Tbsp Honey in a pot on the stove. Bring to a light
simmer and cool.