You are in for e real treat
if your cooking this recipe! The
flavors are simply amazing.
This will be a two part cook.
The first segment will be
preparing the marinade and then
allowing the beef to marinate
over night. You will also
marinate the shrimp in oil and
spices over night.
Start by combining the
following in a small bowl.
1 Cup Honey 1 Cup Low
Sodium Soy Sauce 3/4 Cup
Sesame Seed Oil 1 Tsp. minced
Garlic Pepper to Taste
Mix these ingredients
thoroughly so the honey fully
dissolves. Next trim off all
excess fat off the thins sliced
bottom round steak. Dip each
piece of beef into the marinade
then transfer it to a 1 gallon
Ziploc bag. Once all the beef is
in the Ziploc bag pour in the
remainder of the marinade.
Squeeze out excess air and seal.
Place the beef in the fridge to
rest over night. Since we are
using reduced sodium soy sauce
you won't have to worry about
the meat becoming to salty. Mine
marinated for 16 hours and was
Wash, peel and de-vein 1 lbs.
of large 16 ct. shrimp. Place
them in a bowl and add 1/2 tbsp.
extra virgin olive oil. Add 1/2
tsp. chopped garlic and 2 tbsp.
Mad Hunky Hot Ass Whang rub. You
can substitute the Mad Hunky
with a Creole seasoning. I find
that the Mad Hunky just has a
better Cajun flavor that goes
nicely with shrimp.
Place the shrimp into a
Ziploc bag and let it rest over
night in the fridge.
The following day build your
fire in your cooker. We are
looking for grate temps and Wok
temp of 500 degrees.
Remove the seeds from the
green and red bell peppers.
Slice the peppers length wise
into strips. Slice the green
onion into 1"- 1 1/4" pieces.
Slice a red onion. Get your Baby
Bella Crimini mushrooms, garlic,
ginger, oils and soy sauce all
ready next to your wok. Once the
ingredients go into the wok you
won't have time to chase for
ingredients. Wok cooking is fast
Drain the marinade from the
beef into a sauce pan. Bring the
marinade to a simmer over medium
heat to kill off any bacteria
from the meat. We will use this
marinade to bast the beef later
Once your cooker is heated
and you have 500 degrees at the
grate we are ready to cook.
Throw on the sliced beef. In
this cook I'm cooking on a
Scottsdale Santa Maria Style
cooker over an Oak wood fire.
While the beef is cooking
pour 2 tbsp. of peanut oil into
the pre-heated wok. Test the
temp of the oil by dropping a
piece of pepper in. You should
hear a vigorous flash sizzle, not
a boil. This means your wok and
oil are of proper temperature.
Dump in the mushrooms, peppers,
red onion, ginger and garlic.
Hold off on the green onion. I
like to add them later. Add
another Tbsp. or two of peanut
oil once the veggies soak some
up. Constantly toss the contents
using wooden spatulas or spoons.
You have to keep the contents
turning and moving as to not
burn them.
Keep an eye on the beef. We
want to braise each side and get
nice grill marks. Turn the beef
when ready and baste with the
marinade we heated up. This will
guarantee tender and moist beef.
Once the peppers are about
half cooked add the green onion
and the shrimp. Add 1 Tbsp.
sesame oil and 1 tbsp. reduced
sodium soy sauce. Continue
stirring the contents of the wok
and try and move the shrimp to
the bottom. Cook until the
shrimp have firmed up but do not
over cook the shrimp. Once the
shrimp has firmed up you can
remove the contents from the
wok. The beef should be done at
this point as well. During my
cook I started everything at
once and everything came off the
cooker at the same time.
The air around you should be
smelling pretty damn fine about
now. Garnish your beef with
sesame seeds and green onion.
You can do the same with the
shrimp stir fry.
That's it folks. It's a quick
and tasty cook that is sure to
please. Enjoy.