Smoked cheese is an amazing treat that is very easy to make
but requires low smoking temperature. One of the best
methods I have found is to use a cold smoke generator. These
come in a variety of styles and costs. The unit I am using
in this video is the A-MAZE-N-SMOKER. Cost is approximately
$30 and it can be purchased from A-MAZE-N Products LLC
Web Site.
Preparation doesn't get any easier! Simply cut the cheese
in 1 inch thick slices. In t his video I used a combination
of cheeses some are string cheeses.
Place the cheese on your smoker grate. Fill the
A-MAZE-N-SMOKER with hickory sawdust also known as
A-MAZE-N-Dust. The sawdust can be purchased from A-MAZE-N
Products LLC
Web Site.
Using a butane mini torch (harbor freight $8.00) light
both ends of the sawdust. If you like a stronger smoke
flavor light the center as well. Note, I said stronger not
bitter. This smoke generator unlike some burns hot enough to
create a nice thin blue smoke. This assures a smoke flavor
without a bitter after taste.
Place the A-MAZE-N-SMOKER on your smoking grate and close
the lid. Open your air vents and let it smoke for 3 hours.
That's it! it's that easy.
Smoking doesn't get any easier. Once you have smoked your
cheese it can be vacuum packed or stored in Ziploc bags.
Always force the air out and seal. Enjoy!
Cold smoking tip!
Try smoking your cheese at night when the air temperature
is lower. This will produce moister smoked cheese. This can
make a big difference for those living in warmer climates.