If you like a big juicy burger
then this recipe is for you!
They just don't get any better.
I have had folks tell me these
are the best! What puts this
burger over the top is the mix
of ground beef and maple
sausage, A center filled with
smoked Gouda and Canadian bacon
give this burger additional
layers of flavor.
Mix the maple sausage and ground
beef together thoroughly. In a
medium mixing bowl combine 1 egg
and 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce.
pour this over the meat and
add about 2 tsp McCormick's
Garlic & Onion Medley seasoning.
Mix this into the meat good.
Once the meat has been
thoroughly mixed, form 8 patties
1" in diameter bigger then the
diameter of the smoked Gouda
cheese. Lay down the first
patty. Lightly sprinkle on some
McCormick's Mesquite seasoning.
Now lay on 2 slices of Canadian
bacon followed by a slice of
smoked Gouda cheese. Lay a patty
on top of the cheese and then
press the edges forming a seal.
You have now enclosed the Gouda
cheese and Canadian bacon.
Sprinkle on some of Myron
Mixon's, Jack's Old South
Hickory dry rub. This is one of
may favorite rubs as it has
great flavor that works on
anything. Repeat the above steps
making three more burgers.
Once the burgers are formed, mop
on some Jack Daniels honey Dijon
mustard on the tops. Next drape
thin sliced bacon over the top
covering it. Now dust it with
Jack's Old South Hickory dry
Place them in a smoker
pre-heated to 230 degrees. Smoke
the burgers until the internal
temperature reaches 170 degrees.
Some smokers may not brown the
bacon enough for your liking. If
this occurs just sit them under
the broiler for 5 to 10 minutes.
In my case my smoker does the
trick with no additional steps.
Sauce them up if you wish or
have them naked. They are great
either way! Serve them on a
plate with or without a bun. I
would be surprised if these
burgers didn't do it for you.
SmokingPit.com BBQ Sauce:
1 cup Sweet Baby Ray's
1 cup Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper
1 tbsp brown sugar