This chili is as fun to make as
it is to eat. Truthfully, It's
an amazing Chili but making it
was much more fun! If you want
to get the most out of executing
this recipe you have to follow
my instructions step by step and
don't miss a thing. :-) Plan
on a very early start or do what
i do... Start it at 1 PM and get
everything smoked and into the
Crockpot. Then let it slow cook
over night. This way it will be
all done when you wake up in the
Fire up your smoker and get
it pre-heating to 170 degrees.
In this cook I used BBQr's
Delight Pecan and Cherry pellets
mixed 50/50.
Coarsely chop 2 large sweet
onions and place them in an a
aluminum pan. You will put all
the chopped veggies in this pan
to smoke. Coarsely chop both
bell peppers. Finely chop 8
cloves of garlic. All this goes
into a aluminum pan.
Next pour a 28 oz. can of
whole peeled tomatoes into a
second aluminum pan. Using your
hands, squeeze and crush the
tomatoes. Add the 28 oz. can of
diced tomatoes, 15 oz. can of
tomato sauce and the 6 oz. can
of tomato paste. Open the can of
Chipotle pepper. Remove any
stems and slice the peppers. Add
them to the tomatoes in the
aluminum pan.
Poke many holes in the bottom
of a 3rd aluminum pan. This will
allow the fat to drain away from
the meat when smoking. In this
aluminum pan, mix 3 tbsp of
Rich's Mad
Hunky Meat Rub (or
rub of choice) with 1 lbs.
ground hamburger and 1/2 tsp
coarse ground black pepper.
Spread the ground beef evenly
across the bottom of the pan.
Trim the fat off 4 lbs. of
thick cut top round steaks. I
chose two steaks cut for London
Broil. Shake on some Rich's Mad
Hunky Meat Rub and rub it into
the meat. Shake on a little
coarse ground black pepper to
Place the two steaks and all
three aluminum pans containing
the veggies, tomatoes and ground
beef into the smoker. Smoke at
low temp (170 degrees) for two
hours stirring every 1/2 hour.
You want the smoke to get into
the food but you don't want to
cook the moisture out of the
veggies. We want the moisture to
escape into the Crockpot later.
After 2 hours the ground beef
should be browned. If not leave
it in a bit. Increase the smoker
temp to 225 degrees. Remove the
aluminum pan containing the
onions, peppers and garlic. Pour
the contents of this pan and the
browned ground beef into the
Crockpot. Add 2 tsp Oregano, 2
tsp Cumin, 1 tsp Paprika, 6 tbsp
chili powder and 1 tsp coarse
ground black pepper. Stir the
spices into the smoked onions
and peppers.
Continue smoking the steak
and tomatoes until the center of
the steak reaches 145 degrees.
We want the steak to be full of
juices as it will add flavor to
the chili slow cooking in
Crockpot. The steak should be
pink in the middle. Once the
steaks are at temp, remove them
and the tomatoes. Cut the steaks
up into small medium and larger
cubes to your liking. Pour the
cubed steak and all the juices
you can salvage into the
Crockpot. now pour in the
tomatoes. Add 1/4 cup of brown
sugar. You won't see this in the
video as I accidently left it
out of the video.
Mix the contents of the
Crockpot good. Now here comes
the secret to my chili and one
happy cook! Get a shot glass and
pour a shot of double aged Jim
Beam and take it right up to the
rim of the shot glass. Pop the
top off the Rogue Dead guy Ale.
Carefully pour 8 oz. of beer
into the Crockpot. Do not spill
a drop! Stir the contents well.
Now grab the shot glass and
drink the shot. That's right...
this one is for the cook! Now
you see why I love making this
chili. Wash it down with the
remainder of the Rogue Dead Guy
Ale. Put the lid on your
Crockpot and set it to low heat.
I usually slow cook my chili 10
to 12 hours. in this case it
went into the Crockpot at 8 PM.
Stir it occasionally. And
remember there is no reason you
should have to stop at just one
shot. Hell I did three making
this video. :-)
6 hours later your house will
be filled with the wonderful
smell of my Rogue Texas Chili.
Steal a bite... It's OK for the
After the Chili has been slow
cooking for 10 to 12 hours it's
time to break out the chili
bowls and crackers.