Take 3 lbs. of maple sausage and
mix in onion & garlic powder to
taste. divide into two equal
portions and form a ball with
each. Place each ball of sausage
in individual 2 quart zip lock
freezer bags. Lay flat and start
pressing the sausage into flat
squares the exact size of the
freezer bags. This is best done
with the air let out and bag
zipped shut. once shaped place
in refrigerator.
Rinse a package of boneless
chicken breast tenders. cut into
small cubes. cut up about a 1/2
cub of carrots. Cut up yellow
bell pepper and shallots. Chop 3
cloves of garlic. Break Pecans
in half. Put all of this into a
freezer back and coat in
teriyaki sauce. Place in
refrigerator to marinate for
about 1 hour.
Lay Ziploc bags with
sausage. Using scissors, cut the
bags down each side and pull the
top plastic away. Drain the
teriyaki sauce from the chicken
veggie mix. Place the chicken
and veggie mix in a long pile in
the middle of each sausage
square. Gently roll the sausage
up around the chicken & veggie
mix to form a tube. Fold up the
ends and close them so none of
the internal mix falls out.
Using Olive oil, gently rub
down each fatty. Use just enough
to help adhere the dry rub. Coat
the outer meat with the dry rub
then gently wrap with bacon. Use
tooth picks to help hold the
bacon in place. The bacon should
fold up and around to the top.
The tooth picks can be removed
half way though the smoking
process. Shake on some garlic &
onion powder on top of fatty's
as well as some garlic.
Place the fatty's into the
smoker and cook @ 230 - 250
degrees until the internal
temperature reaches 175 degrees.
Turn the fatty's half way
through the cooking process.
When the desired internal
temperature has been reached
pull the fatty's from the grill
and let them stand for 20
minutes. Slice the fatty's in
1.5 inch slices and serve.
They will taste amazing