When I have free time I tend to
try to come up with a new tasty
sauce. This time I started with
the BBQ sauce basics and put a
nice twist on it. Raspberry Jam!
In this case I was looking for a
unique flavor to complement
spicy wings. This sauce flat out
rocks! Start off with a medium
sauce pan and add all the
ingredients listed above. It's
just that easy! Once the
ingredients are in the pan turn
the heat on to medium. Slowly
stir the contents and bring the
sauce to a simmer.
When the sauce begins to
simmer reduce the heat to a
medium low. Continue to simmer.
Stir occasionally and make sure
the sauce is well mixed and free
of lumps from the sugar or
Let the sauce cool and your
done. When using this sauce on
wings, ribs, etc, mop it on
during the last 1 to 1.5 hours
of smoking. When cooking at 225
- 250 this sauce will glaze
nicely and doesn't burn easily.
This sauce is amazing on wings
so give it a try! Enjoy!