this is one of my favorites! Its
very easy to make but does
require some cold smoking. if
your not familiar with cold
smoking the concept is simple.
In this case I use a cold smoke
generator called the
AMAZE-N-SMOKER filled with a
Peach wood sawdust. I light the
dust with a butane mini torch
and it slowly burns inside my
cooker generating smoke but very
little heat.
That said... The first thing
we should do is get the fish
cold smoking. What I like to do
is take some foil and construct
a 10" by 8" box to hold the
filets. The size is an
estimation. Built it to fit your
filets of course. See the video
for details.
Place the fish in the foil
uncovered. Dust the salmon with
garlic powder. Fill the
AMAZE-N-SMOKER 1/2 full of
sawdust. Light it at both ends
and place it inside your cooker
without any heat or fire. We are
cold smoking. Place fish filets
on a rack in your cooker, close
the door and let it cold smoke
for at least 1 1/2 hours.
The reason I cold smoke is
fish cooks fast. By cold smoking
I can expose the fish to smoke
for 1.5 to 2 hours before it's
exposed to the heat. This
provides for a tastier end
product! Once exposed to 225
degree heat it will be done in
about 45 minutes to 1 hour
depending on the thickness of
the filets.
So let's get started on the
very tasty sweet garlic
In a sauce pan melt the
butter. Pour butter into a small
bowl then add the remaining
ingredients. That's it you just
made an amazing marinade!
After the salmon filets have
cold smoked for 1.5 hours you
can turn on your pellet cooker.
If your using a stick burner or
some other device that requires
some warm up time, start them in
the last 40 minutes or so of the
cold smoke.
Mop the salmon filets with
the marinade. Put it on thick.
Place the salmon into the smoker
@ 225 degrees. After the salmon
has smoked for 40 minutes give
it another mopping with the
marinade. This si a good time to
check to see how close the fish
is to being done. I always try
to achieve a firm fish that is
still moist. i don't like under
cooked fish at all and I don't
eat parasite farms also known as
Sushi! Just my humble opinion.
When the fish reaches a firm
texture remove it from the
smoker. Using a fork pulled back
a piece of meat. it should
easily flak off and still be
Plate it up and serve. in my
case I plated nit up with a
fruit salad consisting of
Cantaloupe, strawberries,
pineapple, honey dew melon, red
grapes, orange slices and
blueberries. Yum!
I hope you enjoyed this tasty
detour from pork, chicken and